Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. (John 16:24)

Here Jesus tells us we are to pray in his name. But, what exactly are we to pray for?

In 1 John 5:24 we are told that we must ask according to his will and that whatever we ask in this manner we will receive. In Luke 11:2 Jesus says to pray for your kingdom come and for forgiveness for our sins, and a few other things listed there.

Clearly then, God's purposes and desires take precedence over ours, so we know that our selfish desires may not always match God's will. From this it seems important to pray in Jesus' name and to pray for discernment for God's will for every aspect of our lives. That discernment will be best transmitted to those believers who are daily in study of the Bible where we have been given access to the will of God for each and every one of us.

That way we will be given the best possible opportunity to be in joyful accord with the will of God with our prayers and our lives.

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