Human engineers did not design the first cooling system. Every living warm-blooded creature has mechanisms for controlling its body temperature. The design of the gazelle's cooling system is among the most ingenious in nature. The gazelle must run at high speed in order to escape predators. This exertion of energy raises the gazelle's body temperature to such an extent that for the gazelle to survive, its brain must be cooled. The solution to this problem is a special cooling system built right into the gazelle's head. Gazelles and similar animals have hundreds of small arteries that pass through a large pool of blood in the nasal passage. Inhaled air cools this nasal blood, which in turn cools the blood in the tiny arteries passing through the pool. [In industry, these specifically designed pieces of eequipment are called heat exchangers.] After the blood has been cooled, it recombines in a larger blood vessel and circulates into the brain. Without this system for cooling the brain, the gazelle simply couold not survive in the current fallen world which requires the gazelle to excape from predatory animals.

It takes a team of engineers using sophisticated calculations to design heat exchangers for use in industrial processes. Since it had to work perfectly from the outset, creation is the only logical explanation for the design and function of the gazelle's far more intricate heat exhange system.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, January 10.

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