Every square mile of our planet contains some form of life. Did these life forms evolve to fit into harsh environmental nitches, or were they designed with the potential to adapt and survive in extreme conditions?

Unlike most reptiles that lay eggs, Yarrow's spiny lizards bear live young in arid desert environments. A hot desert is a tough environment for a newborn lizard to survive, so the baby lizards are born with a built-in canteen of water. At birth this full canteen of water makes up 10% of the lizard's weight. After the first month of life, the canteen shrivels up and disappears. Because older lizards have a greater need for speed, a bulky reservoir would inhibit them.

The lizard is also designed without a urinary bladder. Its waste water is recycled within the lizard's body, since water is a precious resource in the desert. The spiny lizard is designed to remove essentially every usable molecule of water from its waste.

The probability of all of these complex systems evolving by chance is essentially nil. They all had to work perfectly from the first moment to insure the Yarrow's spiny lizard's survival. This testifies to design, not chance mutations (random changes in genetic material).

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, June 27.

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