If a great flood did indeed wipe out everything on the earth about 5,000 years ago, then the oldest human records should only date back that far. This is exactly what we find. All civilized cultures on Earth seem to have appeared suddenly approximately 5,000 years ago.

Even more revealing is the fact that most ancient cultures began in an advanced state. There is no trace of “primitive” generations leading up to the sudden explosion of advanced civilizations across the world. Take, for example, the great Pyramid of Cheops near Cairo, Egypt. The intricacy and stability of this monument of human engineering is unbelievable. The detailed planning necessary to construct this massive monument is phenomenal. Legends from surrounding people insist that the forefathers of the Egyptians (before the Flood) were even more knowledgeable! It has been widely reported that the Egyptian culture extends back 9,000 years or more, but the current trend among Egyptologists is to revise these dates to a more recent date. This agrees well with the biblical timetable.

The sudden appearance of advanced civilizations supports what the Bible states: man was made in God's image (Genesis 1:26). From the beginning, man was a rational, creative, and very intelligent being. Anthropology, the science of origin, culture, and the development of human beings, confirms this fact.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, June 3.

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