If humans have evolved from less intelligent creatures, one would expect the earliest written languages to be the least complex. The exact opposite is true. The oldest written languages are the most complex. Ancient Chinese and Greek were far more complicated than modern Chinese and Greek. One of the most difficult of all written languages is Sanskrit, which goes back to 1500 B.C. Each verb had up to 500 variations! Compare this with English, in which most verbs have only five forms (do, does, did, done, doing). Ancient Chinese, which originated before 2000 B.C. had 6,000 “characters” or letters. Modern English has only 26.

There is no group of humans anywhere in the world that does not have a fully developed, highly complex descriptive language. Even people groups using “Stone Age” tools for survival had highly developed languages. These facts sharply contradict the theory that language has evolved from grunts to grammar, from simple to complex, from primitive to civilized.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, June 2.

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