The science of statistics testifies to the impossibility of evolution. The evolution of the “first” life form requires that thousands of specific components come together in exactly the right way. If you have only six components that need to be combined in a specific order, the number of possible combinations is six factorial (1x2x3x4x5x6), or 720 possibilities. The simplest form of life actually requires thousands of specific chemicals, but let's assume it only needs 200. The odds of 200 chemicals combining in exactly the right way is 1/(1x2x3x4x5…x200). By natural random processes this is likely to happen once every 10 to the 375th power attempts (1 with 375 zeros after it). Yet only one of these combinations can be shown to result in a living cell.

By comparison, the total number of electrons that could be packed into the space available within the entire universe would only be 10 to the 130th power. What are the chances of all of the millions of parts of all of the millions of organisms on Earth all arranging themselves by random-chance processes with no intelligence directing them? The science of statistics would tell us that this probability is actually an impossibility. Yet this is exactly what every public school child in America is being led to believe has happened to produce life.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, December 20.

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