Within hours of dying, the two halves of a clam's shell begin to open and separate. Clams found with their shells tightly shut can only indicate they had been buried alive. There are huge clam fossil graveyards all over the world containing millions of fossilized clams which are packed tightly together with their shells clamped shut. Yet there is no example anywhere in the world today of millions of clams being buried in this condition.

One of the best examples of a clam fossil graveyard can be found near Halkirk, Alberta, Canada. Many of these clams are encased in a closed condition (indicating rapid burial) in sheets of ironstone. In other locations, millions of marine-dwelling creatures are preserved in hot molten rock which poured out onto the ocean floor.

The biblical account of Noah's Flood explains why this type of formation has occurred in so many locations around the world.  When the “fountains of the deep” broke up, volcanic eruptions occurred all over the surface of the earth, both on land masses and in ocean beds. In other places massive movements of sediment simply buried the clams. These fossils strongly support the biblical account of a worldwide Flood.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, December 19.

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